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schedule linkedin posts

Supercharge Your Event Promotion: Effortlessly Schedule Linkedin Posts Now!

Are you planning to attend an event and share about it on LinkedIn? If so, writing a great LinkedIn post can make you a thought leader in your field. It also adds value to your network.

Before the event, prepare by taking notes on interesting insights or info from panels. This can greatly improve your post’s quality.

Adding visuals and your unique thoughts about the event can make you stand out. It can also boost engagement.

Doing Homework Before an Event Pays Off

Getting ready for an event can greatly improve your LinkedIn post about it. Start by researching the event. Look at the agenda, the list of events and speakers, and the topics covered.

Then, check the social media profiles the organizer manages, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok. Look at the content they post and the hashtags they use. This will give you a good idea of the event’s themes and how to connect with the audience.

Set Your Goals

Think about what you want to get out of the event, like networking or learning about trends. Having clear goals will help you plan better and use your time wisely.

Plan Your Schedule

Make a schedule for the event to not miss any key sessions or chances to meet others. This keeps you organized and focused during the event.

Prepare Your Equipment

Have all the gear you need, like a smartphone, iPad or laptop, headphones, charger, and pens and notebooks. Being ready with the right tools lets you capture content and engage easily.

“Research shows that preparing before an event can significantly enhance the quality of a LinkedIn post about that event.”

By preparing before an event, you’ll be ready to make a compelling and informative LinkedIn post. This will connect with your audience and help you reach your goals.

Share Insights from Panel Discussions

Going to an event can give you lots of insights from panel discussions and info. As a LinkedIn user, sharing these insights with your network is key. Write down notes or record the sessions you go to. Include important points, quotes from speakers, and your thoughts in your post. Adding data or case studies from the event can also make your post more valuable.

Being part of or hosting panel discussions at events is a great way to share valuable insights with people. Whether it’s a conference, webinar, or live event, these discussions let you share different views on a topic. When you share insights, focus on the most interesting ideas, practical solutions, and things you can do right now that help your LinkedIn connections.

Ideal Number of Panelists Recommended Context
3 Panelists Tech Conference Sessions (1-hour discussions)
3-5 Panelists Live Event Panels (based on marketing insights)
Multiple Panelists Student-focused Events (focusing on educational insights and real-life scenarios)

When sharing insights from panel discussions or keynote speeches, give a quick summary of the main points. Also, include any quotes or stats that caught your eye. Adding your own thoughts and analysis can make your post more engaging and valuable to your connections.

“Setting ground rules and expectations in panel discussions helps establish control, ensure a productive conversation, and prevent interruptions within the session.”

The aim is to share valuable insights from the event, not just repeat what was said. By sharing your unique view and the most important takeaways, you can be seen as a leader in your field. This helps you offer real value to your LinkedIn network.

Include Visual Elements

Visual content can make your LinkedIn post about an event more engaging and eye-catching. Photos, videos, and graphics can help your post stand out. They make it easier to share the highlights of your event experience.

Photos, Videos, and Graphics

Start by including one or more images in your post. Use selfies or group photos with attendees or presenters. You can also share photos of interesting visuals or behind-the-scenes moments from the event. Visuals like these can help bring your event to life and give your connections a glimpse into the experience.

Consider adding a short video clip or a time-lapse video to showcase the event’s energy and atmosphere. Video content is a powerful way to capture the essence of your event. It leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Highlight Past Event Moments

Sharing visual content from past events can build excitement for your upcoming event. Highlighting past event moments through photos, videos, or graphics can give your connections a taste of what to expect. It encourages them to attend or engage with your upcoming event.

Type of Visual Content Benefit
Photos Capture the essence of the event and provide a visual representation of the experience.
Videos Showcase the energy, atmosphere, and highlights of the event in a dynamic and engaging way.
Graphics Illustrate key takeaways, important information, or an overview of the event’s activities.

“Incorporating visuals into your LinkedIn post can significantly enhance the impact and engagement of your event-related content.”

Offer Unique Value

When you share your event experience, add your own spin to it. Don’t just summarize what was said. Share your thoughts, feelings, and insights. If you found a new tool or strategy, share it with others.

Adding unique value, like your personal take or recommendations, makes you stand out. It gives more value to your network.

New Perspectives and Solutions

Sharing new perspectives and solutions is a great way to add value. Think about how the event’s insights can solve common industry challenges. Offering a fresh view or innovative solution makes you a thought leader.

Industry Leader Insights

Use the industry leader insights you learned at the event to make your LinkedIn post stand out. Highlight key takeaways from expert sessions. Share how their insights can help your network.

This shows you can spot and share valuable info. It also makes you a trusted source of industry knowledge.

“Sharing unique perspectives and solutions can help you stand out and provide more value to your network.”

By adding your unique value proposition, new perspectives, and industry leader insights to your post, you create compelling content. This content will resonate with your audience and make you a thought leader in your field.

Provide Event Details

When you’re promoting an event on LinkedIn, make sure to share all the key details your audience needs. Start by listing the date, time, and location clearly. This helps your connections see if they can make it and plan their schedules.

Date, Time, and Location

The event is set for September 15, 2023, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT. It will be held at the Marriott Downtown Hotel, 123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001. This spot and time should make it easy for local professionals to join us for a great afternoon of networking and learning.

Speaker Information

We have a great lineup of industry leaders ready to share their knowledge. You’ll hear from:

  • Sarah Johnson, CEO of [Company A]
  • Michael Chen, Chief Marketing Officer at [Company B]
  • Emily Nguyen, Director of Product Development at [Company C]

These speakers are well-known for their deep experience and fresh ideas. Their talks will offer lots of useful insights for everyone.

To find out more about the event and sign up, check out the event page on LinkedIn. We’re excited to see you there!

Sharing these important details makes sure your LinkedIn followers have everything they need to decide if they can come. It also builds excitement and trust for the event.

Craft a Compelling Call-to-Action

Making a strong call-to-action (CTA) is key for your LinkedIn posts. A good CTA boosts engagement, makes your brand more visible, and gets people to take action. Here are some tips to make your CTA stand out:

  1. Prioritize Clarity and Actionability: Make sure your CTA is clear and tells the reader what to do, like “Register Now” or “Schedule a Consultation.”
  2. Leverage Emotive Language: Use words that create a sense of urgency or scarcity, like “Don’t Miss Out,” to make your CTA more appealing.
  3. Experiment with Visuals: Add visuals like eye-catching icons or buttons to make your CTA more noticeable.
  4. Personalize for Your Audience: Customize your CTA for different groups of people to make it more relevant and engaging.
  5. Measure and Optimize: Keep an eye on how your CTAs are doing and test different versions to see what works best.

A strong CTA can turn your LinkedIn post into something truly engaging. By making a CTA that speaks to your audience and fits your content, you can get people to take action and connect with them better.

LinkedIn offers many ways to present your CTA, like sending people elsewhere, asking for engagement, using polls, or putting CTAs in images for promoted posts. Try different methods to see what works best for your brand and audience.

“A great call-to-action on LinkedIn leads the reader along their customer journey and strengthens their connection with the company.”

Use these tips to make your LinkedIn posts more engaging and help your brand shine in the social media world.

Leverage LinkedIn Groups

Joining and engaging with LinkedIn groups is a great way to promote your event. You can connect with professionals and experts in these groups. This helps you reach a targeted audience and find potential attendees and speakers.

Start by joining groups that match your event’s focus and audience. Choose groups with lots of activity and members. Focus on quality over quantity, and look at both big groups and small, focused ones.

  • Join relevant groups that align with your event’s focus and target audience
  • Prefer groups with high engagement and active members
  • Consider both large, broad groups and niche, specialized communities

After finding the right groups, start engaging with members. Share useful content like reports or personal stories to show you’re a leader. Answer questions, give advice, and start conversations to build relationships and get noticed.

“By establishing a positive reputation in a LinkedIn Group, individuals may become receptive to product or service recommendations.”

Think about starting your own LinkedIn group. This lets you control the conversation and draw in professionals who think like you. Keep the group active by talking with members, sharing resources, and building a community.

Using LinkedIn groups well means being consistent and strategic. Make time each week to join in, answer questions, and connect with others. By being regular and adding value, you’ll make your event a top choice in your field.

Engage with Influencers

Working with industry influencers can greatly boost your event’s visibility and trust. By teaming up with influential professionals, you can reach more people. Their support and presence can make your event more credible and attractive.

It’s important to build real connections with influencers. Give them a chance to share their knowledge, like by having them speak at your event. This way, they can help spread the word about your event to their followers. Their support can make your marketing efforts more powerful.

Using tools like SmartEReply and LeadTrackAI can help a lot. These tools help find the right influencers, make contact, and track how well your campaigns do. By choosing the right influencers, you can make your event more known and respected. This leads to more people coming to your event and reaching your marketing goals.

Influencer Engagement Strategies Benefits
  • Identify influential industry leaders
  • Reach out and build relationships
  • Offer value-added opportunities
  • Leverage influencers’ platforms
  • Track campaign performance
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Expanded event reach
  • Enhanced credibility and trust
  • Improved lead generation
  • Higher event attendance

“Chantel Soumis grew from 500 connections to 80k+ followers on LinkedIn by supporting other creators and becoming an active community member.”

By working with industry influencers, you can use influencer marketing to grow your reach and credibility. This can lead to a big success for your event.

Send Personalized Invitations

Reaching out to new people is key, but don’t forget about your current LinkedIn connections. They might want to come to your event or know someone who does. Send them personalized invites, telling them how it could help them and asking them to share the info. Word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool.

To use your network well, try tools like SmartEReply for engaging invites. LeadTrackAI can also help find the best people to invite and see who’s interested in your event.

Here are some tips for sending invites:

  1. Make the message personal by talking about things you both like or share.
  2. Point out how the event can help your connection’s career goals.
  3. Ask your connections to invite their networks to the event to spread the word.
  4. Check in with people who didn’t respond at first, they might have missed it.

“Personalized messages can double the response rate, says”

By sending personalized invites, reaching out to connections, and using word-of-mouth, you can get more people to come to your event. This will help spread the word and make a bigger impact.

Personalized invitations

Metric Value
LinkedIn Connection Limit 30,000 connections
Weekly Connection Requests Limit 100 requests
Personalized Outreach Response Rate 2x higher
InMail Availability LinkedIn Premium Subscription
AI Recruitment Automation

Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Using your LinkedIn profile to promote your event is key. Update your Headline and Summary to talk about the event. Also, add the event website in your contact info. This helps make the event more visible and reaches more people. LinkedIn is great for this because it has a lot of organic reach and fewer competitors.

Here are some tips to make your LinkedIn profile better for promoting your event:

  • Put the event in your Headline to show you’re involved and it’s important.
  • Write a Summary that shows off your skills and how the event fits with your career goals.
  • Add the event website in your contact info so people can easily find it.
  • Update your Skills section with new skills or knowledge you’ve gained from planning the event.
  • Ask colleagues, speakers, or organizers to recommend you for your work on the event.

By using your LinkedIn profile well, you can update linkedin profile, mention event in headline and summary, include event website, and boost event visibility. This helps you reach more people and get more interest in your event.

“Updating your LinkedIn profile to showcase your event involvement is a strategic move that can significantly boost the event’s visibility and your personal brand.”

It’s important to keep your LinkedIn profile current and match it with your event work. This makes your event promotion more effective.

Use Relevant Hashtags

LinkedIn hashtags can make your event posts more visible and connect you with your audience. Use event-specific, industry-focused, and your own branded hashtags. This way, you join bigger conversations and reach people with similar interests or jobs.

Using trending hashtags keeps you relevant and widens your reach. Some top LinkedIn hashtags are innovation, management, digital marketing, and technology. These hashtags can boost your visibility and help you connect better with your audience.

For the best hashtag strategy, use 3-5 relevant hashtags per post. Try a mix of niche and popular tags. Check their performance with LinkedIn’s analytics or tools like SmartEReply and LeadTrackAI. Keep improving your hashtags to match your brand and industry trends.

Hashtag Followers
#innovation 38,379,205
#management 35,562,984
#digitalmarketing 27,070,433
#technology 26,137,987
#creativity 24,901,129

Using the right hashtags can increase visibility, connect with your target audience, and tap into trending topics. This makes your event posts more impactful on LinkedIn.

“Hashtags are the key to unlocking greater visibility and engagement on LinkedIn. Use them strategically to amplify your event’s reach and connect with the right professionals.”

schedule linkedin posts

Scheduling your LinkedIn posts ahead of time makes your content strategy smoother and keeps your event visible consistently. Use a tool like SmartEReply to plan your posts, queue them up, and automate updates. This way, you can post when it’s best to reach your audience and stay active on LinkedIn.

Many top social media tools, such as Buffer,, Hootsuite, and others, let you schedule LinkedIn posts. They offer features like analytics, insights on post performance, calendars for content, social listening, and ways to engage with your audience. These tools help you make the most of your LinkedIn presence.

LinkedIn itself lets you schedule posts up to three months ahead. But, it doesn’t let you schedule many posts at once or change them after scheduling. Tools like SmartEReply offer more features, like scheduling many posts together and getting advice on the best times to post based on your audience.

By scheduling your LinkedIn posts early, you can ease your workload, keep your posts consistent, and reach your audience when they’re most likely to engage. Using tools like SmartEReply helps you manage your content better and make your event posts more impactful.

schedule linkedin posts

Create LinkedIn Events from Your Page

As a LinkedIn Page admin, you can make dynamic LinkedIn Events from your Page’s dashboard. These events help you connect with your community in fun, big, and easy ways. They make your brand stronger on the platform.

Steps to Create an Event

To make a LinkedIn Event from your Page, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to your Page’s admin view on the desktop.
  2. Click the “Start a post” button and select the “Event” icon.
  3. Add an intro text about your event, including date, time, and location.
  4. Click “Post” to share your event on your Page.

You can also see all your past and future events in the Events module of your Page’s admin view.

LinkedIn Event Features Key Benefits
LinkedIn Live Events Engage your audience in real-time with interactive live streams
LinkedIn Audio Events Host moderated audio conversations and discussions
External Event Links Promote and drive registration for off-platform events

Using the create linkedin events feature on your LinkedIn Page lets you organize events on linkedin. It also gives your audience great linkedin event features. This makes their experience better and keeps them more engaged.

Promote Your Event on LinkedIn

To make your event more visible on LinkedIn, use the platform’s strong analytics and sponsored content. Mix organic and paid ways to reach more people and get more sign-ups for your event.

Leverage LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn’s analytics give you key insights on how your event posts are doing. Look at impressions, engagement rates, and clicks to see what your audience likes. Use this info to make your content better and find the best ways to promote your event.

Sponsored Content and Ads

Think about using LinkedIn’s sponsored content and ads to make your event more visible. Sponsored content helps you reach people outside your usual network by targeting them based on their interests or job titles. LinkedIn ads, like message ads and video ads, can also help increase event sign-ups and attendance.

By using LinkedIn’s analytics and paid tools, you can promote your event on LinkedIn, boost event visibility, and maximize your event promotion strategies for the best results.

LinkedIn Metric Benefit
Impressions Understand the reach and visibility of your event-related content
Engagement Rate Measure the level of interaction and interest in your event posts
Click-through Rate Gauge the effectiveness of your event calls-to-action and landing pages

“Leveraging LinkedIn’s robust analytics and paid promotion tools can significantly boost event visibility and drive more registrations for your event.”


Creating a great LinkedIn post about an event takes a lot of thought. Start by doing deep research and setting clear goals. Then, add valuable insights and visuals to make your content stand out.

Use smart ways to promote your post, like joining LinkedIn groups and working with influencers. Also, don’t forget to use hashtags that fit your event.

To keep your LinkedIn event marketing successful, always be open to what your audience says and use data to guide you. Tools like Social Co-pilot and LeadTrackAI can help you make better content and track leads. This way, you can give great value to your LinkedIn followers.

The secret to successful LinkedIn event marketing is to share content that teaches, makes people think, and looks good. By using LinkedIn well and making smart, data-based choices, you can make your event posts more powerful. This will help you connect deeply with your audience.

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