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best time to post on linkedin

Discover the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn for Massive Reach

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

Understanding when to post on LinkedIn is key to reaching your audience. With over 1 billion members worldwide, finding the best times to post is crucial. Studies have shown the best times to post to increase your brand’s visibility and connections.

Experts like HubSpot, Sprinklr, and Buffer have looked into millions of LinkedIn posts. They found the best times and days to post for maximum engagement. Using these insights, you can plan your posts to get more visibility and connect with your network effectively.

Introduction to Posting on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a top social platform for professionals. It helps businesses and individuals stand out in their fields. With 1 billion members in 200 countries, it offers a huge audience. Posting at the right time can boost your audience engagement and visibility.

Why Timing Matters on LinkedIn

The LinkedIn algorithm aims to show users the most relevant content. So, when you post matters a lot for your content’s success. Knowing the best time to post on LinkedIn helps your content get seen and shared more. This can increase lead generation and make your brand a go-to in your industry.

Overview of Key Studies on Best Times

Studies have looked into when posting on LinkedIn works best. The top times are usually Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Thursdays at 10 a.m. Weekends, like Mondays and Fridays, tend to have fewer people engaging with posts.

Using these insights in your LinkedIn marketing strategy can boost your content’s visibility. This can lead to better LinkedIn analytics and more B2B leads.

Best Days to Post on LinkedIn

Experts like HubSpot, Sprinklr, and Buffer say Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the best for posting on LinkedIn. These days have the most LinkedIn post engagement and activity.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays as Peak Days

Sprinklr found that posting in the mid-morning (10 to 11 am) and at lunch (12 pm to 1 pm) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays works best. Tuesday is the busiest day on LinkedIn, according to Sprinklr.

Buffer also found that posting from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays is effective. Thursday and Friday tend to get more engagement than other weekdays.

Gen Z is becoming a big part of LinkedIn, making it more important to know the best times to post. With LinkedIn focusing more on knowledge, having a good LinkedIn content strategy is key for best day to post on LinkedIn.

Peak Hours for LinkedIn Engagement

Studies show the best times to post on LinkedIn are between 10 am and 12 pm. This is based on data from HubSpot, Sprinklr, and Buffer.

Peak engagement on LinkedIn happens between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. The highest engagement is usually around 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. This is when professionals check their feeds at the start of the workday and during lunch breaks.

“The best times to post on LinkedIn for optimal engagement are 10 am to noon on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and 10 am on Thursdays.”

Industry and target audience also affect the best posting times. For example, B2C businesses see more engagement during lunch (12–1 p.m. EST) and evenings (7–9 p.m. EST). On the other hand, B2B businesses do better in the mornings, at lunch, and after the evening commute.

Looking at your LinkedIn analytics and trying out different posting times can improve your linkedin posting strategy. This can lead to more linkedin post engagement.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Monday

Studies suggest Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are best for posting on LinkedIn. Yet, there’s a sweet spot for Monday posting too. HubSpot found the best time to post on LinkedIn on Monday is from 12 PM to 3 PM. This is when you’ll get the most linkedin post engagement.

Posting in the middle of the day on Mondays works well. It matches the trend of more engagement on weekdays than weekends. Sharing content at this time means more people are likely to see and interact with your posts. This boosts your brand’s visibility and thought leadership.

“The optimal time to post on LinkedIn on Mondays is when professionals are taking breaks and catching up on their feeds during the workday.”

Using tools like SmartEReply and LeadTrackAI can improve your LinkedIn strategy. They automate posting and give insights to make your best time to post on linkedin on monday even better. By understanding LinkedIn’s algorithm, you can make your content more visible and impactful. This leads to more meaningful connections and business opportunities.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Tuesday

Tuesdays are a top day for posting on LinkedIn. HubSpot, Sprinklr, and Buffer found this out. The best time to post on LinkedIn on Tuesday is from 10 AM to 12 PM.

LinkedIn users are most active during this time on Tuesdays. It’s a great time for LinkedIn post timing and LinkedIn engagement. People check LinkedIn in the morning or during lunch, so your content gets more views.

“Posting on LinkedIn during the 10 AM to 12 PM window on Tuesdays can significantly boost your LinkedIn content performance and help you reach a wider audience.”

Using these best practices can make your LinkedIn posts more effective. It helps you connect better with your professional network. Tools like Social Champ can help you post at the best time to post on LinkedIn on Tuesday and reach the right people.

best time to post on linkedin

Wednesdays are a top choice for posting on LinkedIn, says HubSpot, Sprinklr, and Buffer. The middle of the week, from 10 AM to 2 PM, is the best time to share content. This is when you can best engage with your LinkedIn followers.

Sprinklr found that Wednesdays bring in some of the best results on LinkedIn. The 10 AM to 12 PM slot is especially good for getting people’s attention. HubSpot also suggests posting at 9 AM to 12 PM, 12 PM to 3 PM, or 3 PM to 6 PM for the best results.

“Buffer’s data also highlights Wednesdays as an optimal day for posting on LinkedIn, with the 2 PM time slot showing the highest engagement rates.”

With more people working remotely and marketing reaching across the globe, posting at just one time isn’t enough. An always-on strategy is key to connect with people in different time zones. LinkedIn’s algorithm now favors content that shares knowledge and insights. So, Wednesdays are perfect for sharing thought-leadership and industry news.

LinkedIn post engagement

By posting on LinkedIn during the best times on Wednesdays, you can increase your chances of connecting with your audience. Whether you’re sharing insights, promoting your brand, or building connections, the middle of the week is the best time. This approach helps boost your LinkedIn post engagement and improves your LinkedIn algorithm performance.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Thursday

Thursdays are a great day for posting on LinkedIn. The early afternoon is when people are most likely to engage with your posts. This is the best time to post on linkedin on thursday.

Posting between 2 to 4 PM can boost your linkedin post engagement. It’s when LinkedIn users are most active.

Early Afternoon Sweet Spot for Engagement

Sharing posts in the early afternoon on Thursdays is a smart move. It fits well with the workday rhythm. People often take breaks or switch to something less work-related during this time.

This is a good chance to get your LinkedIn updates seen by more people. It can help you generate valuable LinkedIn leads.

Using tools like SmartEReply and LeadTrackAI can make your Thursday LinkedIn posts even better. These tools help you create personalized comments, craft engaging posts, optimize your profile, and manage DMs easily. This way, your content will connect better with your audience and increase linkedin post engagement.

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn on Friday

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are often seen as the best days for posting on LinkedIn. But don’t forget about Fridays. Posting around 1 p.m. on Fridays can be great. This is when people tend to check their LinkedIn more, during a workweek break.

What works best on LinkedIn changes with different industries. For example, media professionals might look at LinkedIn in the morning. B2B folks might check it during lunch or after work. And, Gen Z users are more likely to engage with LinkedIn on weekends, making Saturday a good day to post for them.

The type of content you share matters a lot too. Video content on LinkedIn tends to perform significantly better. People are 20 times more likely to share videos than other posts.

Using LinkedIn Analytics can help find the best posting times for your business. This tool lets you see important stuff like ad performance and how engaged your audience is. You can track clicks, impressions, and shares.

“LinkedIn has over 1 billion members in 200 countries and regions, and there are over 67 million company profiles on the platform.”

Knowing when and how your audience uses LinkedIn helps you plan better. This way, you can make your posts more engaging and hit your goals.

Weekend Posting Strategy for LinkedIn

Studies show that Tuesdays through Thursdays are the best times to post on LinkedIn. But what about the weekends? Since people are less active, it’s key to tweak your linkedin content strategy and linkedin posting schedule.

Light Engagement Opportunities on Saturdays

Saturdays usually have the lowest linkedin post engagement. But don’t skip posting on Saturdays altogether. Share content that’s fun or makes people think. People might have more time to check LinkedIn when they’re not working.

The best time to post on linkedin on weekends is late morning or early afternoon. This is when people are most likely to be online.

Sundays and Early Morning/Evening Potential

Sundays offer a chance for good engagement on LinkedIn. Even though it’s a slower day, some users might be more open to your posts. The best time to post on linkedin on weekends is early morning or evening.

These are when people often check LinkedIn before work or after finishing their day. Sharing valuable content can help you reach your audience during these quiet times.

linkedin posting schedule

Factors Impacting Ideal LinkedIn Post Times

Studies suggest the best times to post on LinkedIn. But, it’s key to think about what works best for your business or brand. LinkedIn post timing, LinkedIn audience targeting, and LinkedIn content strategy are vital for doing well on the platform.

Time Zones and Global Audience Considerations

If your LinkedIn followers are in different time zones, you’ll need to adjust your posting times. What works best for people in the U.S. might not work for those in Europe or Asia. Look at where your audience is and when they’re most active to find the best posting times.

Industry-Specific Posting Patterns

How well your LinkedIn posts do can change based on your industry. B2B companies might do better posting during regular business hours. B2C brands might get more engagement during lunch or after work. Keep up with trends in your industry and adjust your LinkedIn content strategy to boost your engagement and reach.

“The best time to post on LinkedIn in 2024 is between 9 AM and 11 AM on weekdays, with engagement peaking during mid-morning when professionals are most active on the platform.”

Finding the best LinkedIn post timing for you will depend on your audience, industry, and global reach. Keep an eye on how your posts are doing and tweak your LinkedIn content strategy as needed. This way, you can make the most of your LinkedIn presence and connect with your audience effectively.

Data-Driven Approach to LinkedIn Optimization

To find the best times to post on LinkedIn, you need a data-driven strategy. Use LinkedIn’s linkedin analytics tools for insights. These tools help you improve your linkedin post optimization and linkedin content strategy.

LinkedIn Analytics gives you lots of metrics. You can see how well your posts do and how engaged your audience is. This info helps you know when to post and what type of content works best. It’s a great way to make your LinkedIn better.

Leveraging LinkedIn Analytics for Insights

There are also third-party tools that can give you more info. Tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and Google Analytics offer deep analytics. They help you understand your LinkedIn performance and how your audience interacts with your content.

By using these tools and knowing your audience, you can make a strong linkedin post optimization plan. This plan ensures your content is engaging and effective for your LinkedIn followers.


Finding the best time to post on LinkedIn is key to getting your content seen and shared. Studies suggest Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the top days. Also, the 10 am to 12 pm slot is when people are most active. Use this info to plan your posts and reach more people.

For better LinkedIn marketing, check out tools like ATS Resume Checker. It offers insights to help you pick the best times to post and improve your content. Tools like SmartEReply and LeadTrackAI also help manage your social media. They let you make personalized comments, create engaging posts, and track leads easily.

Using a data-driven approach and the right tools can boost your brand on LinkedIn. It helps you connect better with your audience and get better results from your marketing efforts.

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